Candu Reactor Headers
Niagara Energy Products is the primary manufacturer of Candu reactor headers globally. Our proprietary process relies on extrusion to produce an exceptionally strong header, which meets the severe operating conditions these components are subject to. Niagara Energy Products can also supply welding and machining coupons of reactor headers, and of other products, so that our…
Dry Storage Container
These containers provide the necessary radiation shielding for used nuclear fuel. With a heavy wall thickness composed of reinforced high density concrete and layers of steel, these containers will provide the necessary long term containment of used nuclear fuel for decades to come. Niagara Energy Products has been supplying these containers to its clients for…
Dry Storage Overpacks And Darlington Retube Waste Containers
These containers provide radiation shielding for contaminated components that are removed from the Darlington Candu reactor during the refurbishment process. The Darlington Retube Waste Container provides the first layer of radiation shielding and waste management. To provide an additional layer of protection the Darlington Retube Waste Container is placed inside the Dry Storage Overpack, effectively…
Guelph Engineering Valves
Niagara Energy Products is the sole supplier of nuclear and non-nuclear grade replacement parts for Guelph Engineering Valves. We can supply replacement seats, wedges, stems, and gaskets amongst a variety of other parts. This allows clients to refurbish previously qualified valves instead of having to undertake the expensive process of replacing a valve.
Intermediate Level Utility Waste Container
These containers were design and constructed by Niagara Energy Products to address miscellaneous waste generated during refurbishment projects. They offer our clients a flexible solution to meeting their waste management needs. With integrated shielding and containment features, these lightweight containers offer our clients a degree of flexibility when performing highly choreographed operations of retubing…